Sep 20, 2015
Ep. 32: David Livingstone Smith is a professor of philosophy at the University of New England, where he teaches courses on philosophy of psychology, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, free will and determinism, philosophy of human nature, philosophy of race, and other topics. For more on David, please see:
Sep 13, 2015
Ep. 31: Sarah Ratliff and Bryony Sutherland are authors who have collaborated on a new book, an anthology called Being Biracial: Where Our Secret Worlds Collide. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the issues facing multiracial people and people within multiracial families. The anthology, published by Heritage...
Sep 13, 2015
Ep. 30: TaRessa Stovall is Black, White, and Jewish. She was raised in Seattle and in her formative years found herself involved with the Black Panthers and receiving the benefit of their educational outreach efforts. She also remembers quite well the experience of being introduced to the music of fellow Seattle-ite,...
Sep 6, 2015
Ep. 29: Rudy Tabasa is a Black and Filipino hip-hop dancer turned clothing designer who created a clothing line to advocate for and represent the multiracial community. Rudy calls the company HalfBreed Clothing Company (, and he was inspired to create it to help his daughter...